Mitchell's Blog
Visual Literacy Blog

Balance photograph (not mine)

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In the picture “Balancing Act” by Maxina Belle, the Japanese mascot is seen standing on a chain wire. Maxina Belle, is a photographer who takes pictures of many various objects in many various settings. One of the objects in this case is this little robot which is called Revoltech Danboard and is well known in some internet circles as simply the cardboard box robot.

Over all I love this picture, it has a constant green and yellow hue to everything and I find it amazing that she was able to balance that little robot on the chain. I also like how the camera is focused mainly on the box robot so that there is only one thing going on in this scene. I also like how the string bends down and that the cardboard robot appears to be in the lowest part of the curve on the chain. This little detail adds a lot and shows that Maxina Belle is one of those people that pay attention to small details.

I believe that the way she got the little robot to stand up is not all that different then the way that I got my paper man to stand up. I think that she took a small amount of tack and put it behind his two legs to keep him balanced. Beyond that it is obvious that she used a wider aperture in order to make the background blurry and to make the foreground, which has the cardboard robot clear. I also believe that to achieve the yellow and green hues to the cardboard robot and to the rest of the scene that she slightly modified the coloring in picture editing software.

Over all this picture is very solid and well put together, however, I believe that there is one change she could do, to make the picture just slightly better. For instance the brightness of the photograph in my opinion is a bit high. I would recommend reducing the brightness to make the robot a bit more eye grabbing. I would also lower the brightness of the picture to make the background less appealing. While the colors in the background are great the first time I looked at the photograph all I was paying attention to was the background. By making the background darker it draws less attention to it and focuses more on the cardboard robot.

As I stated before this is a solid photograph and I really enjoy it not only because it inspired me for my photograph. But, it is something that’s just pleasing to the eye to look at. There aren’t a lot of flashy things going on, it just one character standing on a chain. Simplicity can be golden!

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